工程师的血泪 shi
子 Chart 使用中划线时无法作为参数路径选取
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| sub-foo-chart: preferName: "Happy"
{{ .Values.sub-foo-chart.preferName }} ❌ 错误写法
{{ index .Values "sub-foo-chart" "preferName" }} 💩 正确但丑陋的写法
Accessing values of the subchart with dash in the name · Issue #2192 · helm/helm
Chart 之间的继承关系只能有一级
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| dependencies: - name: childchart repository: http://localhost:10191 version: 0.1.0 condition: childchart.enabled
dependencies: - name: grandchildchart repository: http://localhost:10191 version: 0.1.0 condition: grandchildchart1.enabled,childchart.grandchildchart.enabled
childchart: grandchildchart: enabled: true ❌ 并不能够生效
Nested sub charts values · Issue #5135 · helm/helm
Hook 创建的资源不能被 uninstall
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| annotations: "helm.sh/hook": "pre-install" "helm.sh/hook-weight": "-1" "helm.sh/hook-delete-policy": hook-failed,before-hook-creation
类似这样通过 helm hook 创建出来的资源,是不能够被 helm uninstall
删除的。如果只是用来做一些临时任务当然问题不大,但是我们利用了 hook 创建了一些内建存储,所以无法删除的特性会带来大量的无用存储资源占用,非常头疼。
可以通过 label 统一删除,一个临时的 workaround 💩:
| kubectl delete deploy,sts,cronjob,pod,svc,ingress,secret,cm,sa,pvc -n ${NAMESPACE} -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=${RELEASE_NAME}
Manifests with hooks not getting deleted during helm uninstall · Issue #9206 · helm/helm
如果项目中存在多个模块,那么可以通过 subChart 方式统一整合
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| apiVersion: v2 name: bk-user-stack description: A Helm chart for bk-user type: application version: 0.5.1 appVersion: v2.3.0-a2
dependencies: - name: bkuserapi version: "1.0.0" repository: "file://../api" condition: bkuserapi.enabled
- name: bkusersaas version: "1.0.0" repository: "file://../saas" condition: bkusersaas.enabled
- name: mariadb version: "9.x.x" repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami" condition: mariadb.enabled
- name: redis version: "14.x.x" repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami" condition: redis.enabled
由于 bkuserapi
和 bkusersaas
都有类似的架构,所以重复为二者创建 Helm Chart 一定不是明智的选择。
我们针对这种 web
可以通过自定义的 processes
变量完成对于 workload 的定义和封装:
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| processes: web: ingress: enabled: true host: "bkuser-api.{{ .Values.global.sharedDomain }}" paths: ["/"] replicas: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 1024m memory: 1024Mi requests: cpu: 200m memory: 128Mi readinessProbe: tcpSocket: port: 8000 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 30 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /ping port: http initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 30 celery: replicas: 1 command: - bash args: - /app/start_celery.sh beat: replicas: 1 command: - bash args: - /app/start_beat.sh
具体内容可以参考 TencentBlueking/bk-user 的部署配置,结合 Makefile
可以实现一件部署\卸载,一定程度上缓解了 Helm 设计弊病带来的不便。
Blues Yu
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